Tools for interpreting FRET data

ExiFRET is a web based tool to determine the FRET efficiency for complex arrangements of fluoropores including those with multiple donors and acceptors.

thetaFRET is a web based tool to help understand FRET when fluorophores have constrained orientations.
publication describing exifret and thetafret
HandyFRET is a packet of scripts making use of simple methods to account for dye diffusion and orientation during FRET data interpretation.
Tools for measuring FRET efficiency

is an ImageJ plugin for determining FRET
efficiencies using spectral unmixing of both
excitation and emisison spectra. This can be
used to directly account for direct excitation
of acceptor fluorophores and bleed through of
donor emission into the acceptor channel.
        The actual Plugin (jar format) Bugs fixed 7 July 2014
        User guide (pdf format)
        example video basic use. (avi format) Smaller version
        example video with spectral correction. Smaller version
        example images to allow you to try it out
        open access publication describing the method
        The Jama package needed for newer versions of ImageJ is an ImageJ plugin for calculating FRET for a ROI using acceptor photobleaching. Plugin for pixel by pixel FRET analysis using acceptor photobleaching. Minor variation on the program of David Stepensky
Tools for analysis of NMR data

NMR 2D analysis
ImageJ plugin for opening multiple
experiments, analysing and integrating peaks in
2D NMR spectra.
        User guide
for NMR 2D analysis
        Bruker opener
files in case required - see user guide
        publication describing the method. supp info